Floor foundation settling, caused tiles cracked across the kitchen floor.
Crack found on grout lines across the floor.
Tiles inspected, grout removed,
New grout applied
Loose tiles re installed.
Floor foundation settling, caused tiles cracked across the kitchen floor.
Crack found on grout lines across the floor.
Tiles inspected, grout removed,
New grout applied
Loose tiles re installed.
Carpet and Drywall damaged by water.
Troubleshot by Mr.Vu
Water leaked through a crack in a foundation wall
Gutter leaks
Troubleshot and repaired by Mr.Vu
Gutter expanded after installation caused caulking joints separation.
Kitchen Faucet leak
Repair by Mr. Vu
Old copper joint leaked,repaired with Sharkbite parts and new Stop Valve.
What issues do you have in your house? Do you want to repair it yourself? Get some tips here or hire The Queen’s Handyman.
How I changed the Faucet
Repair the toilet leak using the kit from the store.
Grout repair